Archive for February, 2007


For great victory!


It’s been a while, but you might remember me talking about a certain very important diploma exam. Said exam happened last friday, and was an unmitigated success! I actually scored a 1.0, which corresponds to an A+. I did not get offered a thesis position, but you can’t have everything ;). Actually, this guy already knew of my arrangements with the textile engineering people, so he wouldn’t have offered in any case.

The preparation for this exam was definitely a great success. Any question he asked I could tell him what he wanted to hear and another two loads just to show I could. The index cards and talks with the walls proved more productive than the rote book learning I did for the theoretical exam. Now that the time approaches for the retake of the theoretical physics exam, I’ll try to adopt the more successful methods to this very mathematical subject matter. The first try only landed me a C, which next to a double A+ looks extremely dissatisfactory. That’s not meant to be presumptious; high grades are just very common in these exams, due to intense preparation and friendly grading.

I haven’t started learning again, yet. I spent the weekend unwinding and have other plans for this week (more about that in a later post). Right now I’ll have to decide which professor to choose as an examiner. Due to the rather narrow timeframe, not every professor is available. The way it looks I’ll settle for my old electrodynamics lecturer, who is fair but slightly tough. I’ll have to work on the mathematical side of things, but I do have three weeks to do that.

On a completely unrelated note: On tuesday, it snowed. On tuesday evening, about a dozen people spontaneously met up in the dorm courtyard and built a two-meter snowman. Yes!