Archive for November, 2007


Making socks fit better


Haven’t posted in months, but decided that small bites of exasperation might be better dumped into a blog than onto my friends. Things have been going smoothly with the thesis, the choir is gearing up for a new high-class concert and I’m still painting once of twice a week. I’m doing a lot with my neigbors at the moment, and I’ve been playing a lot of FPS on the dormitory net against friends.

What’s with the title? My supervisor dropped a few papers on my desk today, all taken from the japan-based Journal of Textile Engineering. I checked out the archives on the website, and discovered a paper with the glorious subject of “Prevention from Slipping Down Top Parts of Socks”. The english is a little awkward, and the main text is in japanese, but the images made it clear that these people were looking for a new stitching pattern that would give socks better fit from ankle to calf. The fact that this merits a pretty scientific-looking paper speaks volumes about modern economy.