
Bean bags: The seats of the gods


There is one item in my flat that I’ve come to appreciate a lot more recently, and that is my bean bag. It’s big and difficult to stow away when I’m not using it, but having it is totally worth it. It used to be that when I came home from work during my diploma, I’d just listen to music, cook, or go do something with friends. Well, I don’t have any local friends yet, and frankly, after nine hours or more at a rather challenging workplace, I can’t just pull through like that anymore. Or at least, it’s not as pleasant as it used to be after a six-hour workday back then.

So what I normally do now, is simply this: I come home, make sure there is nothing time-critical (like shopping) to do, pull out the bean bag, select a book and flounce down. The positive side effect is that I’m actually reading books again which are not just informative, but also fun. The current one is “the nightmare realm of Edward Moon”, a pseudo-victorian fantasy murder tale. I haven’t understood what the big conspiracy against the city of London is yet, but the book is not as predictable as it may sound now, anyway. I’ve put two flouncings (new unit of time) into it so far and expect to be done in another two. Normally, a flouncing takes about an hour before I decide that I have better things to do now. The benefit is that for the rest of the evening, I actually have some energy again.

Remember kids: Work is hard, no matter what they tell you 🙂

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